Adquisición y desarrollo de aprendizajes de la lectura de ficción en niños y niñas en escuelas de Córdoba, Argentina


This paper is the result of a research that analyzes the main as-pects in the development of reading literary in the childhood. This research was made in four schools in the province of Cór-doba (Argentina), and was based on the implementation of re-creational-literary activities for multiple groups of students, the objective was analyze how they enhance reading through playful activities. In the results, we will present a series of empirically ba-sed categories, obtained from the grounded theory model: time, senses, social fabric, subjective work and the experience in daily life. In relation to the results, these show that reading is a practi-ce that enables a space for encounters with oneself but also with others, an experience that can be observed later.

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Tipo de publicación (normal | tesis): 
Autor principal: 
Carles Lindín Soriano
Referencia completa APA: 

Maina, M.G., Rivera-Vargas, P., & Lindín, C. (2021). Adquisición y desarrollo de aprendizajes de la lectura de ficción en niños y niñas en escuelas de Córdoba, Argentina. Literatura y Lingüística, 44, 377–402.