Tecnologías digitales para transformar la sociedad

The publication is the result of a set of reflections carried out during the development of the subject of "Uses, possibilities and limits of information and communication technologies", of the degree of Social Education, of the University of Barcelona. The course aims to reinforce the critical vision of students in relation to the use of digital technologies, but at the same time provide them with digital competences that allow for a comprehensive and effective use of these.

From the beginning of the course, we urge students to choose and analyze a specific case or phenomenon, of special interest to them, in which the impact that digital technologies have had on their development will be clearly appreciated. The result has been the writing of twelve articles, which address topics as varied as school coexistence, teaching and learning processes, gender relations, feminism, the digital divide, irregular immigration, terrorism, digital inclusion in school contexts, social movements, among other relevant issues, which, as we have said, have been strongly conditioned by the incidence of digital technologies and internet.

Along with these twelve articles, three other works have also been included in the book that address similar themes, and at the same time serve as a framework for the theoretical and conceptual deepening of the book. Two of them were carried out by the teachers of the subject, one by a group made up of social educators from the Basque Country.

Año de publicación: 
Tipo de publicación (normal | tesis): 
Autor principal: 
Carles Lindín Soriano
Referencia completa APA: 

Rivera-Vargas, P., Lindin, C., Cedrán M., & Gracia, M. (2020). Tecnologías digitales para transformar la sociedad (V.3). Liberlibro. 

ISBN: 9788417934859